Airport Executive Shot to Death in ATF Home Raid

Airport Executive Shot to Death in ATF Home Raid

Bryan Malinowski, the Executive Director of Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport, tragically lost his life on Thursday after being shot by agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF).

This unfortunate event took place on Tuesday morning when ATF agents, while attempting to execute a search warrant at Malinowski's home, were met with gunfire emanating from inside the premises.

KARZ-TV has reported that Malinowski sustained several gunshot injuries and received immediate medical attention at the scene before being rushed to a local hospital. According to Malinowski's brother, he was subsequently put on life support, a measure that persisted until the announcement of his passing on Thursday.

An ATF agent was also injured during the incident, as mentioned in reports.

The ongoing investigation into the incident by the Arkansas State Police has the support of Malinowski's family, who have expressed confusion and dismay over the circumstances leading to the deadly encounter. In a statement, the family criticized the decision for a pre-dawn raid on Malinowski's residence, questioning the necessity of lethal force. They described the event as "an unspeakable tragedy" that leaves them searching for answers, as per KARZ.

The family's statement highlighted that Malinowski, a firearm enthusiast, was allegedly involved in private gun sales to individuals who might not have been legally eligible to acquire them. Despite these allegations, the family emphasized their lack of access to a detailed affidavit that the federal agents released, shedding light on the investigation's basis.

KARZ also noted that, according to a redacted warrant, Malinowski had bought over 150 guns from May 2021 to February 2024, which he reportedly resold. Despite claiming these purchases were for personal use, Malinowski lacked a federal firearm dealer’s license.

In the wake of Malinowski's death, Clinton National Airport released a statement mourning the loss of its executive director. Bill Walker, the chair of the Little Rock Municipal Airport Commission, praised Malinowski's 16 years of dedication to the airport and his role in its development and success. The airport has named Thomas Clarke as the acting executive director following the incident.

Bill Walker, chairing the Clinton National Airport Commission, shared his sorrow and extended prayers to all affected by the recent events.

He confirmed the appointment of Tom Clarke, the airport's deputy executive director, as the interim leader, ensuring that airport operations would continue smoothly.

The airport's website currently lists Clarke as the acting executive director, though Malinowski's presence still lingers in the organizational chart, with his term noted as "2019-2024."

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