Biden Aides Accidentally Reveal Biden’s Dire ‘Secret’ Condition

Biden Aides Accidentally Reveal Biden’s Dire ‘Secret’ Condition

According to an Axios article, some White House officials have expressed serious concerns about President Biden’s cognitive abilities and his capacity to serve another four years.

White House aides have noted “flashes of an absent-minded Biden” but often dismiss these as typical lapses, since they frequently observe him being engaged, according to Axios, which spoke with eight current and former aides from the Biden Administration.

The aftermath of Thursday night's debate has affected some aides, leading them to question whether the president can continue. Others remain hopeful that the situation will improve, though there is general agreement that Biden’s repeated lapses, slurred speech, and wide-eyed expressions contributed to a difficult night for the campaign.

“Some campaign aides remained calm on Friday, viewing the debate as just a setback they could overcome. However, other aides, donors, and senior Democrats were deeply shaken, as Trump and other Republicans questioned his fitness for office,” Axios reported.

“Beyond the politics of whether Biden can beat Trump again, aides expressed new concerns about his ability to fulfill his duties over another four-year term.”

The report mentioned that Biden’s rally in North Carolina on Friday, despite some lapses, reassured some staff members but also revealed unsettling information about his cognitive state.

“The time of day is crucial to determining which Biden will show up,” Axios noted, based on conversations with White House staff. “From 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Biden is reliably engaged—most of his public appearances occur during these hours.”

“Outside of this time frame or when traveling abroad, he is more prone to verbal errors and fatigue,” aides mentioned to the outlet.

The 90-minute debate on Thursday started at 9 p.m. Eastern time.

Increased confusion and cognitive decline in the evening, known as “sundowning,” is a common symptom of Alzheimer’s and dementia.

“Sundowning refers to increased confusion experienced by individuals with Alzheimer’s and dementia from dusk through the night,” according to the Alzheimer’s Association website. “Also known as ‘sundowner’s syndrome,’ it includes symptoms like difficulty sleeping, anxiety, agitation, hallucinations, pacing, and disorientation. The exact cause is unknown, but it may be related to disease progression and brain changes.”

Campaign advisers were confident that President Biden was ready for Thursday’s debate. “Some of the close-knit aides who prepared him were optimistic beforehand, saying he’d performed well in practice sessions,” Axios reported.

While the campaign acknowledges the debate was a disaster, opinions vary on the extent of the damage. The early debate was intended to boost Biden’s poll numbers, not hinder them, though some campaign members remain hopeful about reversing the trend.

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