Biden Demands Annual Former Jan. 6 ‘Observance’ On Way Out

As Joe Biden nears the conclusion of what many Americans view as one of the most controversial presidencies in history, he is advocating for an annual observance that could cement divisions within the nation for generations.
“On this Jan. 6, order will be called. Clerks, staff and members of Congress will gather to certify the results of a free and fair presidential election and ensure a peaceful transfer of power,” Biden stated in an op-ed published by the Washington Post, raising doubts among some critics about whether he personally authored the piece.
“Capitol Police will stand guard over the citadel of our democracy,” Biden wrote. “The vice president of the United States, faithful to her duty under our Constitution, will preside over the certification of her opponent’s victory in the November election.”
“It is a ceremony that for more than two centuries has made America a beacon to the world, a ceremony that ratifies the will of the voters,” the op-ed asserted. “For much of our history, this proceeding was treated as pro forma, a routine act.
“But after what we all witnessed on Jan. 6, 2021, we know we can never again take it for granted,” Biden's article stated, repeating familiar Democratic claims about the day's events that have been widely disputed.
“Violent insurrectionists attacked the Capitol, threatened the lives of elected officials and assaulted brave law enforcement officers,” he contended. This description, however, omits that no formal charges of “insurrection” have been filed, and many have characterized the incident as a riot akin to those seen across the country during the months leading up to the 2020 election.
“We should be proud that our democracy withstood this assault,” Biden wrote. “And we should be glad we will not see such a shameful attack again this year.”
“But on this day, we cannot forget,” he urged. “We must remember the wisdom of the adage that any nation that forgets its past is doomed to repeat it. We cannot accept a repeat of what occurred four years ago.”
“An unrelenting effort has been underway to rewrite — even erase — the history of that day. To tell us we didn’t see what we all saw with our own eyes. To dismiss concerns about it as some kind of partisan obsession. To explain it away as a protest that just got out of hand,” he insisted. “This is not what happened.
“In time, there will be Americans who didn’t witness the Jan. 6 riot firsthand but will learn about it from footage and testimony of that day, from what is written in history books and from the truth we pass on to our children. We cannot allow the truth to be lost,” Biden added, before concluding: “[W]e should commit to remembering Jan. 6, 2021, every year.”
The president also repeated a widely disputed claim that police officers “died as a result” of the riot. In reality, the only person who lost their life during the actual event was Ashli Babbitt, an unarmed Air Force veteran, who was fatally shot by a plainclothes officer with a controversial disciplinary record.
In the months since, investigations led by GOP lawmakers have debunked several other allegations, including the narrative that Trump tried to seize control of the presidential limousine to head to the Capitol and claims that he failed to call for National Guard reinforcements prior to his Jan. 6 speech.
Meanwhile, Donald Trump announced in December his plans to prioritize pardoning individuals convicted for their roles in the Capitol events, initiate mass deportations of illegal immigrants, and ramp up domestic oil production as the first steps of his presidency.