BOMBSHELL: Ex-Obama Staffer Blows Whistle on Biden's Scheme

BOMBSHELL: Ex-Obama Staffer Blows Whistle on Biden's Scheme

A former Obama administration staffer alleges that President Biden was involved in a "kickback scheme" related to Hunter Biden’s international business dealings during his vice presidency.

Mike McCormick, a former White House stenographer, claimed on "Fox & Friends First" that despite his willingness to testify under oath before a grand jury, the FBI has ignored his concerns.

"I reported to the FBI in February through their website. Lying to them is a criminal offense, and I'm not lying. Joe Biden is a criminal who used his office for personal gain, with Jake Sullivan and other Obama officials implicated," McCormick stated.

During his tenure from 2011 to 2017, McCormick detailed conversations between Biden, Sullivan, and the media before a 2014 trip to Kyiv, Ukraine.

According to the New York Post, Sullivan, now the White House’s national security adviser, outlined Biden’s priorities in a White House transcript, including U.S. investment in Ukraine's energy sector. Hunter joined the board of Burisma shortly afterward.

McCormick highlighted a conversation about American assistance for fracking, benefiting Burisma, which he recorded and is part of a White House transcript.

"Hunter joined Burisma just before Biden's Kyiv trip, but this was disclosed later," McCormick noted.

He argued that the timeline suggests Biden directed American funds to enrich himself and his family, aiding Hunter's career in energy.

McCormick expressed a desire to testify before the Delaware grand jury investigating Hunter’s business dealings, led by U.S. Attorney David Weiss.

Hunter has been under federal investigation since 2018 for suspected tax and lobbying violations triggered by flagged suspicious foreign transactions.

McCormick criticized the handling of the investigation, alleging a fraudulent use of the judicial system to shield Biden and Obama's alleged misconduct.

Regarding Chinese involvement, Senator Ron Johnson mentioned records from Cathay Bank showing millions flowing from Chinese companies to Hunter Biden, suggesting leverage over President Biden.

"It’s the Chinese government signaling Biden with evidence," Johnson remarked.

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