BREAKING: Jury Reaches Verdict In Hunter Biden Trial

BREAKING: Jury Reaches Verdict In Hunter Biden Trial

Hunter Biden, the first son, was charged by federal authorities with unlawful gun sales and lying on a background check form. The case was tried in Vermont, and a jury found him guilty.

Hunter Biden was found guilty by a federal jury of all three federal offenses involving weapons, finding that he had broken regulations meant to keep drug addicts from being gun owners.

“The conviction marks the first time a president’s immediate family member has been found guilty of a crime during their father’s term in office, though his crimes predate Joe Biden’s tenure as president,” CNN reported.

“Hunter Biden could face up to 25 years in prison and a fine of up to $750,000 at sentencing, though he likely will receive far less than the maximum as a first-time offender. Court has adjourned for the day after the jury found Hunter Biden guilty on all three counts. The jury deliberated for just under three hours. First lady Jill Biden arrived at the courthouse shortly after the verdict was read,” the outlet added.

During his appearance on Fox News last week, former district attorney Phil Holloway stated that the defense’s tactic was to elicit pity for their client.

“I think if the jury is paying attention to the presentation that the prosecutors are putting on, the presentation that’s occurring in the front of the courtroom, these witnesses did a lot of damage to Hunter Biden,” he said. “[I]t’s obvious that at the relevant time when he bought that gun, he was both addicted to drugs and he was also an unlawful user of drugs, particularly, I think, crack cocaine being the big one.”

“But here’s the thing, Harris. There’s another presentation that’s taking place in that courtroom, and it’s for the benefit of the jury. The presence of the First Lady, the presence of the rest of the Biden family, all that stuff is there for the jury to see. The defense has orchestrated it for the benefit of the jury,” he said. “They’re trying to evoke sympathy. This is in the Biden’s backyard. There’s bound to be people on that jury who have great affection for at least some of the Bidens.”

“So this is an effort to get jury nullification, which is, of course, when the jury says okay, maybe he’s guilty, the evidence is there, but we’re gonna give him a pass anyway, that’s they have the power to do it,” he said. “The lawyers cannot directly ask for it, but they’re doing it in the way that you see playing out in the courtroom.”

Although the prosecution had compelling evidence, the defense also had some contradicting testimony from Hunter’s daughter Naomi. She said that her father was “the clearest he had ever been since my uncle [Beau Biden] died” when she and her fiancé visited him at a Los Angeles rehab in 2018.

She informed the jurors that “he seemed really great.”

She claimed that a few weeks after his father bought the gun, she borrowed his truck to travel from New York to Washington. The vehicle was in fine condition, and she found no signs of drug usage in the vehicle.

The evidence was in contrast to that of Hunter’s ex-girlfriend and ex-sister-in-law, Hallie Biden, who claimed that on her visit to him around the same time, the automobile was filled with trash and drug paraphernalia.

During the cross-examination, Naomi acknowledged that she had gotten an odd text message from her father on October 17, 2018, which was around five days after he had bought the gun. The Washington Times reported:

In the text messages, Hunter Biden asked her if her now-husband could bring the truck to 57th and 5th Ave. in Manhattan to swap cars.

“Right now?” she responded.

Prosecutor Leo Wise asked if she knew what her father was doing at two o’clock in the morning or why it was so important to swap cars at that moment.

“No,” Naomi Biden replied, adding that her dad still “seemed good” and she was “hopeful.”

“I’m really sorry dad I can’t take this,” she wrote in a later text to Hunter Biden in October 2018. She was trying to “hang out” with her dad in New York, but he had been unreachable. Hunter Biden later replied, apologizing for not being available.

Before the jury’s decision, President Biden told ABC News that, should his son be found guilty, he would not grant a pardon. However, some had doubted this, believing he might grant one in an emergency.

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