Dem Friendly Fire: Jon Stewart Suggests Bill Clinton Is Sexual Predator, Calls Out DNC Hypocrisy

Dem Friendly Fire: Jon Stewart Suggests Bill Clinton Is Sexual Predator, Calls Out DNC Hypocrisy

I may not be a fan of Jon Stewart, the host of “The Daily Show” and one of late-night’s most liberal voices, but I’ll give him credit in his second stint as the program's host: He’s evolved from being a blind squirrel occasionally stumbling upon a nut to a blind squirrel with a seeing-eye chipmunk that occasionally helps him find a few extra ones.

Sure, his extensive 15-minute tirade about Joe Biden’s mental state following the disastrous June 27 presidential debate was about ten years overdue, but at least he wasn’t shielding the then-likely nominee like the rest of the mainstream media. (Although it was laughable that he suggested Biden’s decline was somehow a revelation.)

Now, Biden is out, both mentally and as the head of the Democratic ticket. He still occupies space behind the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office, but the decisions attributed to him are likely made by the very bubble that protected him before the debate debacle, with the president merely signing off on them with a crayon. (If he’s having a good day, they might even let him use periwinkle!)

Surprisingly, though, Stewart hasn’t fully embraced cheerleading for Kamala Harris and the Democrats. He hasn’t switched sides to support Trump overnight—indeed, doing so might warrant a stay at Bellevue—but let’s just say his view of the 2024 Democratic National Convention wasn’t quite the love-fest depicted by other media outlets.

Especially when it came to former President William Jefferson Clinton.

Stewart took aim at the 42nd president while critiquing one of the most glaring moments of cognitive dissonance at a political event in recent memory, where Sen. Bernie Sanders spent a considerable portion of his speech condemning billionaires, only to be followed by Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker … who proudly declared himself a billionaire.

As Stewart pointed out, this wasn’t the only example of conflicting messages at the DNC, particularly concerning one of their more, shall we say, problematic headliners.

For example, as he noted, they “had guys making fun of people for going to Yale” — specifically Gov. Tim Walz, Harris’ running mate, who attended Chadron State College — alongside a slew of speakers “who went to Yale,” including Hillary Clinton and Walz’s fellow Minnesotan, Sen. Amy Klobuchar.

Then, the camera cuts to Kamala Harris, the nominee and a former prosecutor. Stewart remarked: “The Democrats had people who prosecuted sexual predators, and…”

Cue a split-screen with William Jefferson Clinton, who has been credibly accused numerous times of sexually assaulting women.

Stewart’s reaction demonstrated that not only can the blind squirrel find the nut with the help of the seeing-eye chipmunk, but he can also deliver some rather amusing physical comedy in the process:

And yes, even Stewart’s typically liberal audience joined in the laughter, with not a single groan to be heard. It seems even the Democrats won’t defend Slick Willy anymore.

Then again, Clinton isn’t the only Democrat (or former Democrat) to stray from the party line. Take Robert F. Kennedy Jr., now aligning with Donald Trump, or former CNN host Chris Cuomo, who’s now with NewsNation and not particularly fond of the entrenched Democratic establishment showcased in Chicago.

Is this part of a broader trend? One can hope. However, the jab at Clinton strikes much closer to home for the Democratic Party. RFK Jr. and Chris Cuomo can be dismissed as outliers. Stewart, on the other hand, is practically the godfather of this generation of liberals thanks to his time on Comedy Central.

We’ll give Stewart credit for this one, albeit not much.

You see, it’s been well over 25 years since it became public knowledge that multiple women accused the then-president of serious sexual misconduct. In one instance, that of Juanita Broaddrick, she only reluctantly came forward during the Kenneth Starr investigation and provided sworn testimony about an alleged assault that took place when Clinton was governor of Arkansas.

At the time, The Washington Post—a publication now fervently championing #MeToo and still proclaiming “Democracy Dies in Darkness”—referred to Broaddrick’s sworn testimony as a “sensational yet ancient and unproven allegation” in 1999.

I bring this up because—for those who weren’t alive when Allosauruses roamed Washington, D.C., and internet was almost exclusively 28.8k dial-up—Stewart began his first stint on “The Daily Show” in 1998.

This was a year before Broaddrick went public with her allegations against Clinton, and many, many years after it was widely known to anyone who cared to know that the commander in chief had little control over his sexual urges. (The Broaddrick allegations surfaced, after all, due to a lawsuit by a woman named Paula Jones, who claimed Clinton exposed himself to her in an Arkansas hotel room and solicited her for, ahem, further activities. Whether or not these allegations were true is debatable, but the mere fact they were believable speaks volumes about President “Boxers or Briefs.”)

Now, 27 years later, with neither Clinton wielding significant influence over Democratic politics, Jon Stewart has finally—mirabile dictu!—noticed that maybe Bill was a bit rapey. Allegedly. If Stewart manages to keep his hosting gig until 2036, perhaps he’ll finally start making jokes about what a farce “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor” was.

That seeing-eye chipmunk may be awfully slow, but at least it eventually helps the very deliberately blind squirrel find the nut. And no matter how long it takes, it’s always a pleasure to see Democrats turning on one of their own—justly, as it happens.

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