Democrat Senator Loses it, Says Kari Lake's 'Glock' Comments Could Get People Killed

Democrat Senator Loses it, Says Kari Lake's 'Glock' Comments Could Get People Killed

It started with "Trump Derangement Syndrome." Could "Glock Derangement Syndrome" be next in line?

That seems to be the message from Arizona Democratic Sen. Mark Kelly’s recent interview on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

Kelly was questioned about a statement made by Kari Lake — the leading candidate in the Republican primary for the Arizona Senate seat currently held by independent Sen. Kyrsten Sinema. Lake had urged her supporters to “strap on a Glock” as tensions rise in the upcoming election.

During a fundraiser for Mohave County Republicans last month, Lake remarked on the challenging months ahead until the November election against her likely Democratic opponent, Rep. Ruben Gallego.

“They’re going to come after us with everything. That’s why the next six months is going to be intense,” said Lake, as reported by NBC News.

“And we need to strap on our — let’s see. What do we want to strap on?” Lake continued. “We’re going to strap on our seat belt. We’re going to put on our helmet or your Kari Lake ball cap. We are going to put on the armor of God. And maybe strap on a Glock on the side of us just in case.”

Even before Kelly's appearance on “Meet the Press,” there was significant reaction to Lake's statement. Kelly, known for his advocacy on gun control — his wife, former U.S. Rep. Gabby Giffords, was shot by a gunman in 2011 — expressed concern that “what Kari Lake said could result in people getting hurt or killed.”

“Do you think words can translate into violence?” asked “Meet the Press” host Kristen Welker.

“Absolutely,” replied Kelly. “Words, especially when they come from somebody in a leadership position.

“And Kari Lake’s never been elected to anything. I don’t expect her ever to be elected to anything. But when you’re a candidate for the United States Senate, you need to be careful with your words.”

To recap, here are the items Lake suggested her supporters should “strap on” before the Arizona senatorial election this fall:

• A seatbelt.
• A helmet.
• Or perhaps a Kari Lake baseball cap.
• The armor of God.
• A Glock.

Let’s entertain Kelly’s notion that these words could be taken seriously by Lake supporters. Let's explore what they would have to do for her words to turn into action.

Firstly, they would need to secure a seatbelt. Since it’s cumbersome to fasten a seatbelt without being seated, they’d probably need a seat as well. Awkward to move around with a seat strapped to their backs, but let's go with it.

Next, they'd require a helmet. Or maybe opt for the Kari Lake ball cap. This presents a dilemma: the headrest in a car seat makes donning a helmet uncomfortable, while the ball cap doesn't offer much protection unless you're avoiding the sun.

Following that, they would spiritually don the armor of God. Luckily, this item is ethereal, as adding more protective gear atop or under the seatbelt would be challenging.

Then comes the task of affixing a Glock to their side. But hold on — how? They’ve already buckled up! It's not easy to fit a holstered handgun there. And in terms of gun safety, that's a risky maneuver. Attempting to force it in could lead to an accidental discharge.

Moreover, by the time they manage to unholster the Glock, given the impediments of the seatbelt, helmet, and seat, they'd likely be easily subdued before any action occurs.

And they’re expected to maintain this setup until November? Quite challenging.

Or perhaps — just a thought, Senator Kelly — Lake's words were purely metaphorical, and no one would interpret them as a call to violence.

I'm being facetious here on multiple levels, assuming Kelly, given his background, isn’t naive. He’s likely heard the full quote and understands that no one will grab a handgun just because Kari Lake mentioned it.

However, if you're an Arizona voter, Kelly seems to believe otherwise — that you might overlook the context of Lake's statement. But would Kelly or “Meet the Press” deceive you about the context of this quote?

Yes, they might — just as they have and will continue to misrepresent and distort nearly everything Lake says.

While Arizona is a swing state, Democrats have only won statewide elections there with moderate candidates, and Gallego is far from that.

Thus, for Lake to succeed in November, she must continue to be portrayed as a dangerous, fringe candidate who implicitly incites violence, among other allegations.

None of the narratives spun to create this image necessarily have to be true. In fact, it's likely that most of them won't be.

Yet, as far as Democrats and the media are concerned, the key is getting enough Arizonans to believe these narratives long enough for them to be effective.

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