Details in Video of Bullet Ripping Though Trump's Ear Don't Add Up

Details in Video of Bullet Ripping Though Trump's Ear Don't Add Up

You’ve likely encountered the “quote” numerous times:

“Don’t believe everything you read on the internet just because there’s a picture with a quote next to it.” — Abraham Lincoln.

The humor is evident: Lincoln lived well before the advent of the modern internet by about 125 years. Yet, despite knowing better, we often fall for things that seem too good to be true.

This was the case with a viral video circulating on social media, allegedly showing a bullet "ripping" through former President Donald Trump’s ear. One account amassed over 9 million views by Friday night, while another exceeded 14 million views.

Both videos are fakes.

Ironically, one of the accounts on X spreading the video, “Concerned Citizen,” claimed that the footage “should silence the Left Wing Conspiracy Nuts who say the entire Trump shooting was staged.”

Another source of the video was an account linked to

However, as pointed out by X users and community notes, the video is inaccurate — it's the wrong ear.

The video is mirrored, evident from the backward text on Trump’s “Make America Great Again” cap.

The side of Trump’s head that was supposedly shot didn’t feature the American flag on the cap. Instead, it displayed “45-47” — referencing the presidential terms Trump served and aspires to serve.

Moreover, those familiar with the footage know Trump was shot on the side of his head turned away from the audience. Trump explained he had turned to read a chart on illegal immigration figures, as reported by ABC News.

So, why would someone create this? Purely for clicks. For many, social media attention is paramount, and some exploit it in the most macabre ways.

The incident in Butler, Pennsylvania, on July 13, 2024, marked the first attempted assassination to injure a president, current or former, since the 1981 attempt on Ronald Reagan. Poorly crafted clips claiming to capture the exact moment Trump was shot only add confusion and chaos to an already murky situation.

Perhaps that’s the goal: to sow doubt. Did it really happen? Could it have been staged? Foreign entities or domestic fraudsters might be spreading this disinformation to undermine the integrity of the American political process. Thankfully, community notes and numerous replies debunk the obvious fakery, but the damage is done.

In times like these, it’s wise to remember what Abe Lincoln never — and couldn’t — have said.

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