Don Lemon Panics About Kamala on CNN, Claims He 'Corrected' Black Men Who Support Trump

Don Lemon Panics About Kamala on CNN, Claims He 'Corrected' Black Men Who Support Trump

Don Lemon returned to CNN on Tuesday, and if anyone was curious about the reasons behind his exit from the network, his latest appearance offered some clues.

During his appearance on Inside Politics With Dana Bash, Lemon delivered a speech that resembled former President Barack Obama's famous lecture to Black men about voting for the Democratic nominee. Lemon revealed that he's been visiting swing states to "correct" Black men who are considering voting for Donald Trump instead of Kamala Harris.

This comes as polls show Harris struggling among minority voters, particularly men.

“There’s a problem, and look, I went from battleground state to battleground state to battleground state,” Lemon stated during the segment.

“When I was invited to the convention, I didn’t just want to fly there. I decided to talk to voters in battleground states, and I did just that.

"It wasn’t a staged event. I approached people casually and asked, ‘Who are you going to vote for, Black men?’ Time and again, they said, ‘I’m voting for Donald Trump.’

“Their reasons were mostly ‘Oh, for economic reasons’ or because ‘he gave me a stimulus check.’ And I had to correct them repeatedly, explaining that the stimulus check came from a Democratic Congress and Nancy Pelosi, and that Donald Trump actually delayed the check so his name could appear on it, making it seem like they got the check directly from him,” Lemon continued.

“Meanwhile, Joe Biden has also given one or two stimulus checks, but many seem unaware of this,” he added.

“You can vote for whoever you choose, but your reasons should be accurate and fact-based, and you should fully understand why you’re supporting a candidate.”

First, the old saying that “the plural of anecdote isn’t data” comes to mind. CNN might want to remind its viewers that a single anecdote doesn’t equate to data either. Lemon’s personal experiences are not necessarily reflective of the broader minority voter base, which doesn’t appear to have experienced a revelation akin to Paul’s conversion on the road to Damascus. In fact, the media—including CNN—has been loudly trying to drive this message home for years.

Second, if having a former president explain why you’re voting wrong feels patronizing, having a former cable news host, who is now struggling on social media, do the same might feel even worse.

Apparently, though, that’s what the liberal establishment is hoping for... through Don Lemon.

A New York Times poll released last Saturday showed Harris leading among Black voters, with 78% compared to Trump’s 15%. While that may seem decent, it’s worth noting that this is a notable drop from the overwhelming support Democrats typically receive—over 90% in 2016 and 2020.

“Ms. Harris is certainly set to win the vast majority of Black voters, but Mr. Trump appears to be making inroads, slowly eroding the Democrats’ long-standing advantage. His campaign has utilized targeted ads and sporadic outreach events aimed at African American voters—especially Black men—and has seen a small but notable increase in support. According to the poll, about 15% of Black likely voters plan to vote for the former president, marking a six-point jump from four years ago,” the Times reported.

“A growing sense that Democrats have failed to fulfill their promises, despite consistently celebrating Black voters as the ‘backbone’ of the party, has contributed to Harris' slipping support,” the poll found.

“Among African American voters under 30, 40% believe the Republican Party is more likely to keep its campaign promises than the Democrats.”

But will Don Lemon’s lectures to “the brothers,” similar to President Obama’s, change minds? Obama at least held an official position. Lemon, on the other hand, is a news anchor who once speculated on air that Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 might have vanished into a black hole.

The real issue Democrats face is far deeper. After years of taking minority votes for granted, these communities are beginning to realize just how hollow the party’s promises have been. With election day approaching, the idea that a scolding from the former CNN morning show host will turn things around only highlights the disconnect between the Democratic Party and these voters.

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