Former Dem ‘Power Rangers’ Musk, RFK Jr., Gabbard To Help Trump With ‘Unity Party’

Former Dem ‘Power Rangers’ Musk, RFK Jr., Gabbard To Help Trump With ‘Unity Party’

A group of prominent former Democrats are set to assist former President Donald Trump in forming a broader “unity party” aimed at securing a victory over Vice President Kamala Harris in the upcoming fall election.

This coalition includes former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk, and, as of Friday, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., all of whom have previously supported and been associated with the Democratic Party. Now, they have aligned themselves with Trump in this election cycle, and are expected to help him attract disaffected Democratic voters.

“I attended my first Democratic Convention at the age of six in 1960,” Kennedy reflected on Friday, recalling the era when his uncle John F. Kennedy and father Robert F. Kennedy Sr. were central figures in the Democratic Party. “At that time, the Democrats were defenders of the Constitution and civil rights. They opposed authoritarianism, censorship, colonialism, imperialism, and unjust wars.”

“We represented labor, the working class,” he continued. “The Democrats were the party advocating for government transparency and environmental protection. Our party stood against big money interests and corporate power. It truly embodied democracy,” Kennedy stated during a nationally televised press conference on Friday, where he announced the suspension of his independent presidential campaign and his endorsement of Trump.

Kennedy emphasized that he didn’t abandon the Democratic Party; rather, “it had strayed so far from the core values I was raised with” that it left him and others like him.

“It has transformed into the party of war, censorship, corruption, Big Pharma, Big Tech, Big Ag, and big money,” he asserted.

John Solomon of Just the News remarked: “With that political declaration, Kennedy opened a door for an unprecedented defection. Standing at the threshold are two other high-profile defectors:” Musk and Gabbard, with the latter reportedly assisting Trump in preparing for his September 10 debate against Harris.

Even Jill Stein, the Green Party candidate, expressed a similar sentiment, noting on X that “While we may not agree with RFK Jr. on everything, he’s correct about how the Democratic Party uses lawfare and dirty tactics to suppress competition and voter choice. They claim to be ‘saving democracy,’ but in reality, they’re working to undermine it.”

Solomon further added:

Senior Trump aides and outside advisers have been buoyed by the the once-unimaginable possibilities that:

  • Musk would lend his massive X social platform for an historic interview and fund a Super PAC to boost Trump;
  • Gabbard would help prep the GOP nominee for his debate with Kamala Harris and make a case for women to return to the GOP; and
  • Kennedy would lend his famous family name and political capital to lure defectors, especially the young and first-time voters who flocked to his independent campaign

“We now have a trio of Power Rangers who can step into the rival party and convince traditional Democrats that it’s okay to leave a party that has left them,” one senior Trump adviser, who requested anonymity, told Solomon.

Advisers commended Trump for setting aside past differences—despite Musk’s rival platform to Trump’s Truth Social and Kennedy’s previous criticism of Trump—by reaching out to prominent Democrats behind the scenes.

Similarly, Trump took steps to reconcile with Georgia Governor Brian Kemp, setting aside four years of tension with the influential governor, who holds considerable political sway in a key battleground state.

According to experts, having three high-profile former Democrats on his side opens up new strategic possibilities for Trump as he seeks a second term, Solomon noted.

“I think the Trump team should present Tulsi Gabbard and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. together as former Democrats who can testify to the system’s corruption, and they would be incredibly impactful,” former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, R-Ga., told Just the News.

Gingrich also praised Trump for making peace with Kemp.

“Brian Kemp is by far the strongest politician in Georgia. He has been an extraordinarily effective governor, and the fact that he’s now fully on board is a significant step in the right direction,” he explained. “Moreover, the fact that Trump has relaxed and acknowledged the importance of having him as an ally is very, very positive, and I think it significantly increases the chances of carrying Georgia,” Gingrich added.

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