George Soros Pledged $1 Million to ‘Hamas Propaganda’ Organization Linked to Terrorism

George Soros, known for his philanthropic efforts through the Open Society Foundations (OSF), has been reported to grant at least $1 million over the past decade to the Al Mezan Center for Human Rights in Gaza, a territory under Hamas control.

Despite the center's mission to uphold human rights, especially in Palestinian territories, there are concerns regarding its connections to Palestinian terrorist organizations, including Hamas and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP).

These ties, however, don't seem to deter Soros's support, as stated by OSF spokesman Jonathan Kaplan, emphasizing pride in their contribution alongside other international backers like the European Union and governments such as Sweden and the Netherlands.

Kaplan, with his background as a former State Department communications director under President Obama, chose not to comment on the center's alleged associations with terrorist figures.

This financial support is seen by some as enabling entities sympathetic or connected to groups hostile towards Israel, raising questions about the flow of Soros's funds potentially reaching groups engaged in conflict with the Jewish state.

Soros's Jewish heritage and status as a Holocaust survivor add layers to the scrutiny he faces, especially following the attack on October 7, which resulted in significant Israeli casualties.

The Washington Examiner outlines how Soros-funded entities have contributed to Al Mezan, aiming to monitor and document human rights abuses in Gaza. This includes internships facilitated through OSF's network, coinciding with interactions between Al Mezan's leadership and known terrorists.

The center's endeavors to pressure international bodies like the United Nations and the International Criminal Court to act against Israel for alleged war crimes are highlighted, amidst accusations of promoting agendas aligned with Hamas and PFLP under the guise of human rights advocacy.

Despite OSF's insistence on compliance with U.S. anti-terrorism laws and disavowal of support for Hamas or any form of terrorism, critics argue for stricter regulations to prevent American non-profits from indirectly funding foreign entities linked to terrorism.

The ongoing debate reflects the complexity of international philanthropy, especially when it intersects with geopolitical conflicts and the legal frameworks governing support for contentious groups.

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