'Is She Drunk?': Kamala Harris Gets Viciously Mocked After Bizarre Order to Her Crowd During Detroit Rally

'Is She Drunk?': Kamala Harris Gets Viciously Mocked After Bizarre Order to Her Crowd During Detroit Rally

It’s a tale of "Madame Vice President" and "Mrs. Hyde."

On some days, Kamala Harris seems to follow a campaign strategy straight from the “joy and vibes” handbook—carefree, superficial, trivial, yet lighthearted and cool. But then there are other days—like during her interview with Fox News earlier this week—where she unleashes the kind of rhetoric that paints Trump as a "literal Nazi who will put you in a detention camp," stirring up fear.

Friday seemed to be one of those joy-and-vibes days. In fact, it was so over-the-top that Trump’s official war room account questioned whether she was under the influence.

This took place during a speech in Detroit, marking her third rally of the day in Michigan, a key battleground state.

While delivering her remarks, after mentioning the importance of "standing up for workers and seniors," she declared, “as president, I will fight for all the American people, always.”

A gleeful Harris then told the crowd, “Shout your own name for a minute!”

“That’s what I’m talking about,” she said, “because it’s about you, it’s about your families, it’s about you.”

“And that’s what I’m talking about,” she repeated.

However, this is what Trump’s team was actually focused on:

And, as it turns out, they weren’t the only ones seeing it this way:

Here’s the moment in context:

Now, a quick reminder: this is what Harris sounded like earlier in the week.

With Bret Baier, she portrayed herself as someone "literally" battling a figure who would lock people up just for disagreeing with him. Not only is this entirely false, but it’s also delivered in a tone that seems to come straight out of a fevered nightmare.

Fast forward a few days, and she’s treating her audience as if they were preschoolers. "Shout your name out! Great job! Now shout your ABCs! Fantastic! You get a gold star! And you get a gold star!" All for following instructions from someone on stage.

She’s not drunk; she’s just not bright. And that’s the real issue. While this part of her campaign may be entertaining for a while, it’s like binging on sugar—you’ll eventually crash, realizing just how absurd the whole thing is.

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