Leading House Republican Makes Stunning Discovery - MAJOR Biden Scandal

Leading House Republican Makes Stunning Discovery - MAJOR Biden Scandal

House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY) is delving into who is truly “calling the shots” under President Joe Biden’s administration. As part of this effort, he has issued subpoenas to three relatively unknown White House staffers to investigate whether a “shadow government” has been operating throughout Biden’s presidency.

“We’re looking to see who is actually calling the shots for Joe Biden,” Comer stated during an interview on Breitbart News Saturday.

“I mean, I think it’s very evident that he isn’t able to serve as president, much less an additional four years, and we’ve all been asking the questions ‘Who is actually running the show? Who’s pulling the strings?’” he added.

The Kentucky Republican further explained that the GOP has utilized various sources, including dissatisfied Democrats, to identify three White House staff members he referred to as the “gatekeepers for Joe Biden.” These individuals, he said, have “shielded him” from Cabinet secretaries and much of the media.

“They shielded him from lots of people that probably could have sounded the alarm much earlier than, than a week ago that Joe Biden wasn’t mentally able to serve as president. So we’ve subpoenaed them. No one had ever heard of any of the three, including myself, prior to determining that these were the three to subpoena. We’re gonna bring them in and we’re gonna ask them questions and we’re gonna see if, in fact, there was a cover-up, number one, and number two, even worse, we’re gonna determine whether or not there’s been a shadow government,” Comer continued, asserting that “Biden has not been in charge for quite some time.”

“After three years of Joe Biden, Watergate doesn’t look much different than jaywalking,” Comer remarked, suggesting that the ‘deep state’ and the media have consistently covered up financial crimes allegedly committed by the Biden family “over two decades.”

Comer stressed his belief that White House staffers are concealing Biden’s capacity to lead. He also suggested they may have collaborated with the White House doctor to “create a false narrative, not just cover up.”

Comer believes that concerns about a shadow government are prompting some Democrats to come forward and urge Biden to withdraw from the race. He also noted their worries about former President Donald Trump potentially returning to the Oval Office.

“The difference between that investigation that we’ve just begun and the Biden influence-peddling investigation is that there are a lot of willing participants. There’s already been a number of stories and a number of prominent Democrats that have come forward and described the fact that … they don’t think that Joe Biden could pass a cognitive test,” the congressman stated.

“You think about the job responsibilities of the President of the United States and the decisions that the President has to make on a daily basis — who’s been making those decisions? I mean, the White House has admitted that he’s only functional from eight o’clock to four o’clock — which I think that’s a stretch — but you know, there are a lot of things that happen before eight o’clock in the morning and after four o’clock in the afternoon,” Comer added, emphasizing it’s a matter of national security.

“The reason Cabinet secretaries get confirmed by the Senate is so the American people can kind of know who they are and how they think and what their positions are and determine whether or not they’re capable. If we’ve got three or four low-level staffers that have been deciding what weapons to send Ukraine, how to do an executive order that limits drilling that leads to higher gas prices, which creates more inflation — if these three or four employees that no one’s ever heard of have been making those decisions, then I think that there are a lot of people that need to be held accountable,” Comer concluded.

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