Nikki Haley Launching Weekly SiriusXM Radio Talk Show

Nikki Haley Launching Weekly SiriusXM Radio Talk Show

Former 2024 Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley revealed on Tuesday that she’s launching a weekly radio talk show on SiriusXM, starting next week. The show is set to run until at least the inauguration of the next president in January 2025.

According to the Associated Press, “She’ll do interviews, take listener calls, and discuss politics on the show, which will air on Wednesdays from 8 to 9 a.m. ET on SiriusXM’s Triumph channel. Expect discussions on topics like Clemson football, her love for running, and even music — maybe including Taylor Swift.”

While Haley acknowledged that her political views will come through on the show, she emphasized her desire to move away from the media's “predominant tribalism.”

“My kids don’t watch the news because they think both sides are crazy,” she told the Associated Press. “And they’re not wrong. We need to dial down the craziness, remove the noise, and explain issues in a way that empowers people.”

Haley noted, “That’s what Americans are tired of. They don’t want to watch a show and instantly know which candidate or agenda is being pushed. They care about understanding the issues and how they affect their families. I want to take the politics out and focus on policy.”

Haley is open to continuing the show beyond January if listeners respond positively.

In a post on X (formerly Twitter), Haley wrote: “We spoke hard truths on the campaign trail. Now it’s time to speak hard truths about America’s future. No spin, just facts and straightforward talk that everyone can grasp. We have a country to save. Let’s do this.”

Haley was the last challenger for the Republican nomination, with Donald Trump being the final nominee. Despite endorsing Trump before the convention, she had not actively campaigned alongside him until recently.

However, Haley clarified that her radio show “is not about campaigning for any particular candidate.”

Having sparred with Trump during the primaries, Haley now fully supports the GOP's 2024 nominee.

“Donald Trump has my strong endorsement,” she said. “Our nation is at a critical point, and we have to choose wisely. For more than a year, I’ve said a vote for Joe Biden is a vote for President Kamala Harris. That’s obvious to everyone."

She continued, “Four more years of Biden or Harris would leave our country in a worse state. We must support Trump for the sake of the nation. But I recognize that not everyone agrees with Trump 100% of the time. I don’t either, but we agree more often than not, and that’s what matters.”

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