Sen. Cotton Goes Off On CNN Host Kaitlin Collins Over Misleading Remarks

Sen. Cotton Goes Off On CNN Host Kaitlin Collins Over Misleading Remarks

Senator Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) confronted CNN host Kaitlan Collins during a heated exchange after accusing her of misrepresenting a Senate vote related to in-vitro fertilization (IVF).

Collins, who previously worked as a correspondent for the conservative outlet Daily Caller, began the segment by stating: “Senate Republicans today blocked a bill that would guarantee access to something many of them claim to support."

She continued, “It’s also the same thing we’ve heard Donald Trump express support for. Democrats tried and failed once more to pass this measure, which would secure nationwide access to IVF. Now, they’re using this vote to criticize Republicans who voted no."

At that point, Cotton entered the conversation, immediately refuting her remarks.

“Kaitlan, I have to correct nearly everything you said in your opening. Almost none of it was accurate,” Cotton asserted. “First off, there’s no threat to IVF in this country. All 49 Republican senators, along with President Trump, support IVF. No state restricts or bans IVF,” he added.

Collins interjected, claiming, “I didn’t say that in the intro, but okay, go ahead.”

Cotton responded by clarifying:

“You said it had to guarantee access. Access is already guaranteed in all 50 states. You also suggested it was solely about IVF. The bill goes far beyond IVF. It includes controversial, experimental procedures like cloning, gene editing, or even offering fertility treatments to men who identify as women—whatever that’s supposed to mean. The bill also threatens religious freedoms. While I support IVF, as does President Trump, we believe Christian hospitals should be allowed to operate according to their conscience. Democrats have long targeted Christians, like when they persecuted the Little Sisters of the Poor over contraception, or harassed Catholics for attending traditional masses."

When Collins attempted to cut in with, “Okay Senator, let’s stop you there,” Cotton pushed back, stating, “No Kaitlan, you’re not going to stop me there! You’re misrepresenting what the bill is about.”


Previously, HBO’s “Real Time” host Bill Maher confronted Collins about CNN's positive coverage of Vice President Kamala Harris’ Democratic National Convention speech, pointing out that many viewers perceive the network as heavily left-leaning.

Maher brought up a viral moment from Collins’ appearance on “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert,” where Colbert joked that CNN is neutral, which prompted the audience to burst into laughter.

“He said something like, ‘You guys at CNN just report the news,’ and the crowd erupted with laughter,” Maher recounted. “That says a lot, doesn’t it?”

Collins defended her network, stating: “CNN is a place where both sides can tune in, and I think my show reflects that. We host lawmakers from both parties. One night, we’ll have Elizabeth Warren, and the next, we’ll have Ted Cruz. I believe in questioning both sides.”

Maher, however, wasn’t convinced. “I know what the conservative side of America thinks, and I don’t blame them. I watched Kamala’s speech last night, and it wasn’t until 11:23—about 14 minutes after the speech—before the one conservative commentator, Scott Jennings, got a word in," Maher said, poking fun at Jennings by calling him "Lonely Scott" to the audience’s laughter.

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