‘Squad’ Members Scramble to Delete Memorial Day Posts After Confusing It with Another Day

‘Squad’ Members Scramble to Delete Memorial Day Posts After Confusing It with Another Day

Two members of the “squad” of far-left House Democrats posted and subsequently deleted Memorial Day tributes on Monday, mistakenly conflating the holiday with Veteran’s Day and promoting policy agendas on one of the nation’s most solemn days.

Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota and Democratic Rep. Cori Bush of Missouri both paid tribute to living veterans on the social media platform X before advocating for expanded government initiatives.

Memorial Day is specifically dedicated to honoring those who lost their lives in service, and each year, millions of Americans remember the ultimate sacrifices made by our heroes throughout history.

Since the country’s founding, more than one million Americans have died in combat.

Many people who celebrate the holiday might forget its true significance, focusing instead on recreational activities during the long weekend, which often includes water activities, cookouts, and cold beverages.

These activities are possible because of the sacrifices made by those who fought in the Civil War, World Wars I and II, and other significant conflicts throughout our nation's history.

Many Americans understand this and proudly display the red, white, and blue in various settings during the holiday.

While enjoying cold drinks, good company, and excellent food, the true meaning of the day is generally not lost on most people.

The three-day weekend and Memorial Day itself are meant to honor our fallen heroes.

Bush and Omar started their Memorial Day by mistakenly honoring the sacrifices of living individuals who are much braver and more virtuous than themselves, before turning their posts into political statements.

Omar posted, “On #MemorialDay, we honor the heroic men and women who served our country.”

She added, “We owe them more than our gratitude – they have more than earned access to quality mental health services, job opportunities, housing assistance, and the benefits they were promised.”

Similarly, Bush wrote, “This #MemorialDay & every day, we honor our veterans in St. Louis.”

She concluded, “We must invest in universal health care, affordable housing, comprehensive mental health services, and educational & economic opportunities for our veterans as we work to build a world free of war and violence.”

Both congresswomen faced significant backlash over their posts, leading them to delete the messages.

Fortunately, the account Libs of TikTok captured screenshots of both posts before they were removed.

Later, both Democrats shared new Memorial Day posts, this time devoid of political content and not confusing the day with Veteran’s Day.

It’s easy to get swept up in the recreational opportunities that Memorial Day weekend offers. It’s natural to enjoy a few days off work, and millions of Americans spend this time enjoying themselves.

Why wouldn’t we enjoy the freedoms secured by the sacrifices of others?

However, Bush and Omar seemed to have a different perspective on Monday, using a solemn holiday to advocate for increased government spending, seemingly without understanding the true purpose of the day. This lack of understanding is concerning given their roles in government.

Monday should have been a day for pausing to remember why we celebrate Memorial Day.

Members of the “squad,” who appear to hold nothing sacred and have a limited understanding of the country they represent, used the day to continue their usual agenda – showcasing their ignorance and arrogance.

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