Trump Confronts 'Fake News' NBC Reporter During Campaign Event: 'You'll Never See That on Television'

Trump Confronts 'Fake News' NBC Reporter During Campaign Event: 'You'll Never See That on Television'

Decades from now, historians will likely document the decline of traditional journalism in early 21st-century America in great detail.

Assuming they are committed to truth, these historians will start by highlighting the alliance between corporate journalists and the political elite.

During a campaign event on Monday, former President Donald Trump confronted an NBC reporter, calling him “fake news” for not covering the three-year anniversary of the Abbey Gate terrorist attack in Afghanistan. Trump correctly predicted that most Americans would “never see” this exchange broadcast on television, thereby emphasizing his long-standing battle with the media and his role in exposing the corrupt establishment.

“Who are you with?” Trump asked the reporter in a clip shared on the social media platform X.

“NBC,” the reporter responded.

“NBC fake news,” Trump retorted.

According to, which focuses on news in Michigan, Trump brought pizzas to a group of volunteers at the Trump Force 47 campaign office in Roseville, Michigan, on Monday. It was in this setting that the exchange with the NBC reporter took place.

The mention of NBC was enough to provoke jeers from Trump’s supporters.

“Tell me, have you done a story on Afghanistan today?” Trump inquired.

The reporter attempted to dodge the question, but Trump persisted.

The former president then referenced his visit to Arlington National Cemetery earlier that day.

“And the press doesn’t even cover it because they’re fake news, and they should be ashamed of themselves,” Trump stated, drawing loud cheers from his supporters.

“Don’t worry, you’ll never see that on television,” Trump remarked about the exchange that had just elicited applause from his volunteers.

Trump’s prediction about NBC’s coverage of Afghanistan was accurate.

For example, the Media Research Center reported that NBC’s “Today” morning show “completely ignored” the Abbey Gate anniversary on Monday.

Moreover, a search of the NBC News website found no stories dedicated to the anniversary.

This omission by NBC points to a much larger issue.

According to Gallup, a poll conducted in September 2023 revealed that only 32 percent of respondents had either a “great deal” or a “fair amount” of trust in mass media—a significant drop from the 68-to-72 percent trust levels reported in the 1970s.

Remarkably, the same poll indicated that 58 percent of Democrats still trust the mainstream media, while only 29 percent of Independents and 11 percent of Republicans share that trust.

This suggests that a majority of Democrats exist in a reality that much of the country views as deceptive.

For example, mainstream outlets either interrupted or censored independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s endorsement of Trump on Friday.

“Democrats are in an information prison,” one X user commented in response.

When covering Trump, many reporters have dropped any semblance of objectivity. They have revealed their true colors, and most Americans now see the bias that was previously concealed.

The only task left for historians will be to explain how and why so many journalists turned their backs on their profession.

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