Trump Cuts Down Reporter, Lets Him Know Who Is in Control of the Briefings Now

Trump Cuts Down Reporter, Lets Him Know Who Is in Control of the Briefings Now

President Donald Trump sees no reason to tolerate the establishment media’s antics.

Despite expectations for balanced reporting, establishment journalists continue to demonstrate a stunning inability to evolve.

During a White House news conference on Tuesday, NBC News chief White House correspondent Peter Alexander repeatedly and rudely interrupted Trump, prompting a firm response from the typically composed president.

Short clips of the interaction began circulating on X, showing Trump firmly stating, “Listen to me for a second. Stop interrupting.”

However, the brevity of these clips didn’t fully capture the audacity of the reporter’s behavior or Trump’s remarkable composure.

A longer clip on X revealed that Alexander interrupted the president at least three times during the exchange.

It began when Alexander questioned Trump about his decision to pardon over 1,500 Americans, whom Trump described as victims of persecution under former President Joe Biden’s administration following the Capitol events of Jan. 6, 2021.

Unsurprisingly, Alexander framed his question differently, implying that the pardons signaled approval of violence against police officers.

Trump’s response was measured, reflecting more respect than most would offer under such circumstances. Less than three seconds into his answer, however, Alexander interrupted for the first time.

Trump continued, explaining for over 30 seconds how his stance supports law enforcement, citing an unrelated case as an example. But Alexander refused to relent. Even as Trump attempted to call on another reporter, Alexander pressed on with further questions about violence against police officers.

“They’ve served years in jail,” Trump said of those he has termed the “J6 hostages.” “They should not have served — excuse me.”

That “excuse me” followed Alexander’s second interruption. Trump then contrasted the Biden administration’s treatment of these individuals with the leniency liberal district attorneys often show toward violent criminals.

The tipping point came when Alexander interrupted for a third time.

“Listen to me for a second. Stop interrupting. They’ve served years in jail. And if you look at the American public, the American public is tired of it,” Trump said.

In a decisive moment, Trump highlighted his 2024 election victory as evidence that Americans have rejected the biased establishment media.

“We won this election in a landslide because the American public is tired of people like you that are just one-sided, horrible people in terms of crime. You don’t talk about all the people that have been killed and what happens to those murderers. Murderers get no time. You take a look at some of these DAs. They go after political opponents, but they don’t go after people that shoot people in the street,” Trump stated.

This exchange marked the point where Trump, after demonstrating extraordinary patience, decided to call out the reporter’s behavior.

Alexander’s interruptions were especially glaring because they came after Trump had already tried to pivot to another journalist. Despite this, the NBC correspondent persisted, prompting Trump to address his rudeness directly.

Trump, of course, has little reason to hold back when dealing with hostile reporters. Having spent nearly a decade countering their bias, he has mastered the art of standing his ground. Furthermore, with no plans to seek re-election, he is free to address them without restraint.

The real story, however, lies in the media’s continued refusal to change.

Trump’s assessment reflects public sentiment. Americans have grown weary of the establishment media’s constant distortions. The 2024 election outcome and declining media ratings underscore this reality. Platforms like Elon Musk’s X have effectively replaced traditional journalism for many.

Yet, despite all evidence, establishment journalists remain stubbornly entrenched in their ways.

Until they adapt, they should expect more of the same from a president who remains resolute and unyielding in the face of their hostility.

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