Trump Seen as ‘More Favorable’ Than Swift Following Her Endorsement of Harris

Trump Seen as ‘More Favorable’ Than Swift Following Her Endorsement of Harris

Trump Seen as ‘More Favorable’ Than Swift Following Her Endorsement of Harris

A recent poll by the New York Times indicates that former President Donald Trump holds a more favorable rating among voters than pop icon Taylor Swift, following her endorsement of Vice President Kamala Harris.

The survey, conducted between September 11 and September 16 by the New York Times, Philadelphia Inquirer, and Siena College, shows that only 44% of Americans view Swift favorably after she publicly supported Harris.

Meanwhile, 34% of respondents expressed an unfavorable opinion of Swift, with 22% remaining undecided on the former country singer’s political stance.

The poll also revealed that Donald Trump enjoys a slightly higher favorability rating compared to Swift. Trump garnered 47% approval among Americans, while Swift received 44%. Vice President Harris leads both, with 48% of the public expressing a favorable view of her.

“I will be casting my vote for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz in the 2024 Presidential Election,” Swift announced following the Democratic National Convention. “I’m voting for @kamalaharris because she fights for the rights and causes I believe need a warrior to champion them. I think she is a steady-handed, gifted leader and I believe we can accomplish so much more in this country if we are led by calm and not chaos.”

On the other hand, Trump has pledged to take decisive measures to strengthen border security should he win the upcoming election. This promise resonates with a critical voting group—Latinos.

The latest Axios-Ipsos Latino Poll indicates that Latino support for building a border wall and deporting undocumented immigrants has surged by at least 10 points since 2021.

Interestingly, even those with connections to immigration seem to be influenced by Trump’s rhetoric on increased border control.

The poll highlights growing Republican support among Latinos, reflecting frustration over illegal immigration, which has become a top concern for many voters this election season. Trump has promised to ramp up border enforcement and oversee large-scale deportations, potentially affecting up to a million individuals.

According to Axios, the poll found:

  • 42% of Latino adults now back the idea of constructing a wall or fence along the U.S.-Mexico border, up 12 points from December 2021.
  • 38% favor deporting all undocumented immigrants from the U.S., compared to 28% in 2021.
  • Additionally, 64% of Latinos support granting the president authority to close U.S. borders if an excessive number of immigrants attempt to enter, marking the first time this question has been asked in the survey.

Cuban Americans, who tend to lean more conservative, show the highest level of support for the border wall, with 58% in favor, while Mexican immigrants and Mexican Americans are less supportive at 37%. Only 43% of Central Americans back the wall.

Alongside inflation and crime, immigration ranks among the top concerns for Latinos this election year.

Despite the rising numbers of Latinos favoring deportation, 65% still advocate for a path to citizenship for those in the country illegally, and 59% support offering asylum to refugees fleeing violence and crime in Latin America.

Chris Jackson, senior vice president and pollster at Ipsos, explained to Axios that the survey “illustrates that some immigration hardline positions (are) incrementally more popular” among Latinos.

This comes amid criticism of Vice President Harris’s handling of the immigration issue. Former Border Patrol union chief Brandon Judd, who retired recently, voiced his dissatisfaction. “It’s very disappointing,” Judd told Fox News. “We gave her the policies that she needed to implement. She refused to implement those.”

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