UFC's Dana White Shares Video of Kamala Harris That 'Should Scare Everyone' as Election Nears

UFC's Dana White Shares Video of Kamala Harris That 'Should Scare Everyone' as Election Nears

Imagine a robot designed solely to spit out cliché phrases at random. Let’s call this device a "platitudinator." Press a button, and the platitudinator will churn out one hollow phrase after another.

While such a device might provide some amusement at a party, the idea that it could one day run for president would quickly turn that amusement into alarm.

On Thursday evening, UFC CEO and president Dana White shared a video of Vice President Kamala Harris on the social media platform X, with a warning that it "should scare EVERYONE."

“She is incapable of forming a sentence without a teleprompter and even she seems to know she’s in over her head,” White wrote.

The alarming clip showed Harris attempting to answer a straightforward question in a recent interview with late-night host Stephen Colbert.

“Under a Harris administration, what would the major changes be, and what would stay the same?” Colbert asked her during Tuesday’s episode of “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert.”

Keep in mind, Colbert, known for his establishment-friendly stance, was offering what could be considered the most favorable interview environment for Harris.

Also, recall that earlier that day, Harris had been asked a nearly identical question on ABC’s “The View” — another extremely supportive platform — where she responded by saying she would do nothing differently from President Joe Biden.

With a full day to consider a better answer for Colbert, one might expect Harris to deliver. She didn’t.

“Well, I mean, obviously, I’m not Joe Biden, so that would be one change in terms of — ” she began.

In terms of what? She never clarified. Instead, she shifted the conversation toward former President Donald Trump.

“But I think it’s also important to say, with, you know, 28 days to go, I’m not Donald Trump.”

The expression on her face suggested she felt she had provided a sufficient answer. Colbert and his audience, however, were still waiting for something meaningful. Even they knew she hadn’t given a real response.

At a loss for words, Harris pressed the button on the platitudinator.

“And so when we think about the significance of what this next generation of leadership looks like, were I to be elected president, it is about — frankly I, I love the American people, and I believe in our country, I love that it is our character and nature to be an ambitious people,” she said.

Things only deteriorated from there.

“You know, we have aspirations, we have dreams, we are — we, we have incredible work ethic. And I just believe that we can create and build upon the success we’ve achieved in a way that we continue to grow opportunity and — “

At this point, the clip’s creator humorously inserted a memorable 26-second scene from the 1995 film "Billy Madison."

“What you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I’ve ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul,” the school principal, played by James Downey, said to Billy Madison, portrayed by Adam Sandler.

The principal's words echoed what everyone watching Harris likely felt.

For those who want to witness the spectacle, the clip is available below.

WARNING: The following post contains language that some readers might find offensive.

Harris has a documented pattern of delivering what some call "word salads."

However, it’s becoming increasingly clear that her issue isn't just occasional incoherence or a malfunctioning brain, like Biden’s. Instead, her way of speaking seems to reflect an emptiness of thought. The phrases she produces when pressing the platitudinator button represent her actual mental process. She doesn’t have anything else.

Dana White hit the nail on the head. The Democratic Party’s desire to elevate someone like this to the presidency should concern everyone.

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