Veteran Democrat Drops Bombshell On Joe Biden

Veteran Democrat Drops Bombshell On Joe Biden

Veteran Democratic strategist James Carville expressed his concerns in an interview on Friday, cautioning that maintaining President Joe Biden as the party's nominee is exactly what former President Donald Trump desires.

MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell referenced Carville's earlier comments, suggesting that former presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton should host town halls to determine a suitable replacement for Biden. She then inquired, “Is that a recipe for chaos?”

“You know, it might be chaos. [But] I tell you, what we are doing right now, we’re doing exactly what Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago wants us to do,” Carville remarked, alluding to a report that the Trump campaign prefers to compete against Biden.

“If the Democratic Party is intent on pleasing Donald Trump, then go ahead and [run Biden]. It’s just that simple,” he emphasized.

Carville criticized “Washington types” for debating the specifics of his town hall proposal, saying, “Well, I don’t care, do something! Don’t just stand there!”

“We are on track to lose an election to a major criminal who is going to destroy the Western alliance, the Constitution, and everything in between. So we ought to act like it,” he asserted.

Mitchell then questioned Carville on the actions of Democratic leaders like “Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer maybe, Hakeem Jeffries.”

“I think they’re mortified,” Carville responded. “I think they want to make a change. I think they see the path that we’re on.”

Reiterating his earlier point, Carville criticized the Democratic Party establishment for persisting with a losing strategy that benefits Trump, simply because new plans for finding a more viable candidate “don’t have the details flushed out yet.”

“Think about it. You know exactly what Donald Trump wants us to do. You know precisely what Steve Bannon wants us to do, and we’re hellbent on pleasing them,” he said. “I think it’s a big mistake. I thought it was. I still do. I’m highly unlikely to change my mind because of some namby-pamby technical reasons about how you put a town hall together.”

Carville also highlighted a significant issue for Democrats: “the donor class is shutting down. I know these people. Not only are they stopping contributions to the Biden campaign, they are also halting contributions to the Senate committee, to the House committee.”

He concluded, “Unlike me, all I can do is shut my mouth. That would make a lot of people happy. But they shut their wallet and they will make a lot of people unhappy, and that’s going on, a very underappreciated story, and it goes beyond just the top of the ticket.”

A substantial majority of Democratic voters now believe Biden should end his re-election campaign and step aside after his recent debate performance against Trump and subsequent events, despite national polling showing a tight race.

A notable 67% of respondents feel Biden should withdraw from the race, and 85% think he is too old to serve a second term. Simultaneously, 60% of respondents also consider former President Trump too old for a second term, an increase from 44% in the spring of 2023, according to a poll by ABC News and the Washington Post.

“Among Democrats and voters who said they lean Democratic, 62% say Biden needs to drop out of the race. Even among self-professed Biden supporters, 54% say he needs to drop out,” Fox News reported, citing the poll results.

Despite these findings, the poll revealed that Biden and Trump are nearly tied, with 46% of respondents indicating support for Biden and 47% for Trump.

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