VP Harris Is Tied To Biden’s Failed Economic Policies: Report

VP Harris Is Tied To Biden’s Failed Economic Policies: Report

No matter how she tries to escape it, Vice President Kamala Harris is tied to the unsuccessful economic policies of the 'Biden-Harris administration,' according to analysts. This includes the unsuccessful "Bidenomics" agenda of the outgoing president.

New data from the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia revealed that Americans struggled to make minimum credit card payments in the first quarter of 2024, Yahoo Finance reported.

Credit card delinquencies in the first quarter of 2024 reached levels not seen since 2012, with 30, 60, and 90-day delinquencies all increasing.

“The proportion of card balances that were more than 60 days past due at the end of March climbed above 2.5%, more than double the lows seen during the COVID-19 pandemic when huge amounts of government stimulus helped keep Americans afloat,” the report stated.

“The number of total credit cards dipped during the first quarter, in line with seasonal trends, but total revolving balances hit a record $628.6 billion. Revolved balances as a share of total outstanding balances are now at 71%, the highest level since 2021,” it added.

Many Americans are turning to credit cards because they can't keep up with inflation, which many attribute, in part, to President Biden’s stimulus package that Harris cast the tie-breaking vote for, Just The News reported.

The outlet explained:

The U.S. inflation rate was 1.4% in 2020, then surged to 7% in 2021. President Biden often claimed he "inherited" a 9% inflation rate, which CNN debunked as false.

According to a May poll by the Pew Research Center, 62% of U.S. adults considered inflation “a very big problem for the country.”

The poll, conducted from May 13-19 among 8,638 U.S. adults, has a margin of error of plus or minus 1.5 percentage points.

Florida Republican Rep. Byron Donalds spoke on the John Solomon Reports podcast, stating that Harris “was the deciding vote in the Senate that unleashed this massive inflation on the American people. The Senate was tied 50-50. She voted for the American Rescue Plan in the Senate to break that tie. And then what happened was this massive inflation – which has hurt every working-class American, every senior on a fixed income – that is squarely on the shoulders of Kamala Harris.”

Former President Donald Trump’s ex-economic advisor, Stephen Moore, told Just The News that a “good development for Trump” is that “instead of running away from the Biden agenda, (Harris has) wrapped herself around the Biden economic catastrophe.”

“She is not saying she wasn’t for this stuff, she’s for it, embraces it, thinks it’s a big success, thinks the border is a big success. Let the American people decide what they think,” he said.

He claimed that average family earnings during Trump's presidency were $5,500 per week but have dropped by $2,100 under Biden.

“We had a pretty booming economy under Trump before COVID,” he added.

Bobby Charles, the national spokesman for the Association of Mature American Citizens, also appeared on The John Solomon Podcast and said that the vice president is as responsible for the administration’s failed economic policies as Biden.

“In the economy, look, she owns this. She and the president, who she defended with lies for the duration of the last three and a half years, own this entire failure,” he said.

“She was in the room – a vice president is always in the room when it came to not only her role prior to this, but her role in the context of being a co-decision maker on virtually all the policy matters,” he added. “I mean, I’ve read accounts, more recently, kind of historical, going backward showing 15 or 20 of the absolute worst decisions this administration made, that she was very much a part of.”

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