Watch: Smirking Biden Ignores Reporters Until Handler Escorts Him from Room

Watch: Smirking Biden Ignores Reporters Until Handler Escorts Him from Room

This video reveals more than the White House ever intended.

During a virtual economic forum in Washington on Tuesday, President Joe Biden inadvertently showcased the reality of his final months in office to Americans and the world.

For a full minute, Biden grinned and lingered as the White House press corps shouted questions about critical issues facing the nation — until his handlers guided him away, resembling a confused patient being led back to his room by attentive orderlies.

Without a teleprompter, Biden appears directionless. Without a capable president, the nation is leaderless. As one of former President Donald Trump’s official social media accounts on X commented, “This is painful to watch.”

And America’s adversaries are surely taking notice.

Watch it here:

Fresh from a two-week vacation, Biden hosted a White House event on “Investing in America,” featuring virtual appearances from guests nationwide to highlight the supposed benefits of his administration’s infrastructure program, according to UPI.

After delivering an introduction straight from the teleprompter, Biden listened as participants praised “how the President’s Investing in America platform has helped them and their local communities,” as UPI described.

You can watch the full event below:

While he handled the simple tasks of reading prepared remarks and listening to flattering comments, Biden seemed comfortable. But the moment the scripted portion ended and questions began, he was left with a vaguely confused, mocking smile as his staff worked to usher reporters out of the room.

“Reporters could be heard asking about various key issues, such as establishing a cease-fire in the Israel-Hamas war, free IVF treatment, and high grocery prices, while staffers ushered them out, saying, ‘Thank you, press,'” Fox News reported.

Why should the president address questions about an ongoing war in the Middle East involving Israel, a U.S. ally battling proxies of Iran, the country’s most blatant enemy?

Why should he answer for the inflation his disastrous policies have inflicted on the nation, and his vice president’s even more disastrous plan to combat it through price controls?

Why should Americans be led to believe that the most powerful position in their government is held by someone who is coherent, competent, and committed to the job in a dangerous world? Democrats and the establishment media tried to create that illusion for the upcoming election, but Biden’s own shortcomings have become too obvious to conceal.

Now, they’ve stopped even pretending.

And social media reactions were brutal:

These videos aren’t just fodder for cheap shots at a political rival or material for darkly humorous jabs at liberals.

They represent what Democrats, the establishment media, the Biden family, and their supporters have imposed on the country since 2020 — and would have continued to do for another four years if they could have.

Meanwhile, the hardliners in Moscow, Beijing, and Tehran watch and plan their moves in a world where the United States has nearly relinquished its role as the global superpower, and its ability to protect its own interests.

And this video captures it all.

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