Watch: Trump Masterfully Turns the Tables on Democrats, Shames Them for Their Disrespect

Watch: Trump Masterfully Turns the Tables on Democrats, Shames Them for Their Disrespect

There were two standout moments in President Donald Trump’s address to Congress on Tuesday night.

First off, the Democrats were practically incapable of clapping for anything at all — simply because it was Trump at the podium, doing what Trump does.

And second? Not a single point the president made was something any reasonable American could genuinely object to.

Efficiency in government. Foreign policy breakthroughs. More jobs for the American people. Securing the border. Backing the police. Reversing DEI mandates. Rebuilding America’s power both in trade deals and military might. Every one of these should have been a moment for bipartisan applause.

Yet, instead of applauding, Democrats appeared furious — to the point where one member actually got kicked out of the chamber entirely. A photo of Connecticut Democrat Rep. Rosa DeLauro summed up the energy on their side perfectly.

Those reactions didn’t go unnoticed. In fact, the president used them to his advantage, flipping the script on Democrats right at the beginning of his remarks. He openly called them out for their refusal to clap for just about anything.

“This is my fifth such speech to Congress, and, once again, I look at the Democrats in front of me, and I realize, there is absolutely nothing I can say to make them happy or to make them stand or smile or applaud,” Trump said. “Nothing I can do.

“I could find a cure to the most devastating disease, a disease that would wipe out entire nations, or announce the answers to the greatest economy in history or the stoppage of crime to the lowest levels ever recorded, and these people sitting right here will not clap, will not stand, and certainly will not cheer for these astronomical achievements.

“They won’t do it no matter what. Five, five times I’ve been up here. It’s very sad,” Trump continued. “It just shouldn’t be this way.”

And he wasn’t wrong. Whether it was Rep. Al Green of Texas getting tossed out after shouting at the president…

…or moments when Democrats stayed seated for things that should unite every American, their refusal to show even basic support was impossible to ignore.

One especially powerful moment involved Devarjaye “DJ” Daniel, a 13-year-old cancer survivor who dreamed of becoming a police officer. Diagnosed with brain cancer six years ago, DJ was initially given just months to live.

“Since that time, DJ and his dad have been on a quest to make his dream come true, and DJ has been sworn in as an honorary law enforcement officer, actually a number of times,” Trump said, according to a New York Times transcript.

“The police love him. The police departments love him. And tonight, DJ, we are going to do you the biggest honor of them all. I am asking our new Secret Service director, Sean Curran, to officially make you an agent of the United States Secret Service.”

And yet — as countless people noted online — Democrats still couldn’t collectively rise to clap for that.

That raises a serious question: What’s happening to this country when Democrats believe that sitting stone-faced and signaling their disapproval is somehow more important than celebrating moments all Americans should rally behind?

If there’s one message that should stick from Tuesday’s speech, it’s this: The left can’t stomach seeing America succeed unless they’re the ones driving the success — and even then, it’s only about their own political wins. America comes second.

For the next four years, though? That’s not the plan. The president made that very clear — and Americans paying attention didn’t miss it.

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